Henrique Köhler német-brazil feltaláló, hosszabb ideig tartó japáni tartózkodása alatt dolgozta ki egyszerű és praktikus tájékozódási megoldását amely a "Munich Orientation Convention" lényege.
Kezdeményezése az ENSZ érdeklődését is felkeltette, találmányáról előadást is tartott a 10. ENSZ Térinformatikai Bizottsági találkozón.
A lényeget HUNAGI-nak címzett levelében az alábbiakban foglalta össze, javaslatot adva a Budapestre vonatkozó helyi tájékozódási középpontra is:
" Munich Orientation Convention
As a german-brazilian inventor, I've developed a natural orientation system which can simplify and harmonize indoor and street signage, cartography, postal codes, navigation devices and verbal expressions all over the world.
The gigantic market gap was:
- a simple answer to the simple question “where?”
e. g. where is Bonn? where is Hermann-Ehlers-Str.? Where is 53113? Where is room 1916?
Please confirm yourself: according to
, touristic points in Manaus/Brazil are addressed with this Munich Orientation Convention. Just using the imagination power and knowing instructions like www.volksnav.com/EncontroDasAguas it is possible to deduce HERE where these points THERE are. This is not a “nice to have” but a quantum jump, a better life quality which also makes smarter and helps to reduce the signage, road accidents and panic in buildings.
Searching for "turismo" in www.volksnav.com/search within a specified area, the same attractions described on ManausOnline will be listed.
Concerning cartography, this innovation can be realized by a simple change of the location grid: from a square to a quasipolar one, see www.volksnav.com/map
According to www.watchrose.com this system allows to build natural world co-ordinates and international City Codes, in harmony with the cartography, electronics and to a numbering of road exits, bridges etc.see www.volksnav.com/Qingdao
All position codes can be converted from geographical co-ordinates, see www.volksnav.com/mobile . You’re invited to test the features of the converter with a pocketPC or smartphone with/without GPS through a download from www.volksnav.com.
China www.MinZhongDaoHang.de
ISO http://www.isotc211.org/Address/standards.htm
Presentation Google Zürich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNI2TChPpFo
Please google:
„mns m6:2 r8“