Friday, 15 November 2013

Az infokommunikációs technológiák jövője - Az EU FutureICT projekt idei MIT-beli és tokiói eseményei

Mai postánkból. Davina Jackson, ISDE és d-City szakíró (ld. lábjegyzetet) küldte meg az alábbi beszámolót. Az EU egyik zászlóshajó-projektjének számító FutureICT projekt konzorciumát -  mint az a HUNAGI korábbi blogbejgyzéseiből is ismeretes, - a zürichi ETH vezeti.

Dear FuturICT Supporters,
It is time for another newsletter to keep you updated with all our recent activities.
The FuturICT vision is still alive and our community is thriving as can be seen from our social media metrics that we follow. A big THANK YOU to all who participate in our activities and share our posts. Our webpage ranking shows that we are still ahead of the two selected flagships, please keep visiting our webpage!
FuturICT has a generated a lot of positive feedback on the ideas it proposed. I have almost everyday meetings with representatives from business, politics, science, arts, and the media. Did you know that Hungary received millions of funding to run a national FuturICT project?
The recent revelations of state surveillance by Edward Snowden and ensuing discussions about privacy and surveillance underline that the ethical ICT approach adopted by FuturICT has not been misplaced or alarmist, but has proved very prescient, indeed. FuturICT has been significantly engaged in the related public discussions on privacy. In fact, most of the FuturICT blogs on the subject have been published in newspapers, and I have had also many interviews and public engagements on the subject. (See Blog page
That apart, FuturICT's science is also progressing with a number of international events organised or attended this year with the output of many exciting papers.
FuturICT @ MIT
In particular, I would like to highlight a FuturICT workshop held from 13-14 February at the Media Lab based at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The meeting was organized alongside the 2013 AAAS Annual Meeting and the SwissnexBoston Science and Policy Symposium. This event was co-sponsored by SwissnexBoston, ETHZ, MIT Connection Science and Engineering (a virtual centre including MIT Media Lab CSAIL, and LIDS).
Presentation slides are available of Hideaki Aoyama, Peter S. Dodds, Ramesh Jain, Jeffrey Johnson, Paul Lukowicz, Michael Szell and Irena Vodenska via the Dropbox link
FuturICT Science and Policy Symposium @ Swiss Embassy in Tokyo

The Symposium held on July 16, was jointly organized by ETH Zurich and the Science & Technology Office of the Embassy of Switzerland in Tokyo. The primary purpose of the meeting was to intensify collaboration and to set a joint EU and Japan research agenda to address the challenges faced by our society in the new internet and communication technology era.
At the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo"
Davina Jackson a d-City GEO kiadvány társszerzője, a Nemzetközi Digitális Föld Társaság végrehajtó Bizottságának tagja. Kommunikációs tevékenysége kiterjed a Virtuális Új Zélandra is. 

Scholarly roles
—Visiting Research Fellow | Goldsmiths (Computing), University of London
—Associate Editor Arts Music Architecture | Versita science publishers
Policy development
—Data cities working party | International Society for Digital Earth
Ebooks and blogs

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